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External training based on the production complex of «InterChem» SLC

From September 6 to September 7, a two-day information and training seminar for specialists in the pharmaceutical industry was held on the basis of the production and industrial complex of «InterChem». Seminar on the topic: «Approval of suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Optimization of expenses for entrance control of API» was organized by the company «UKRMEDSERT» and gathered 28 participants.
The program for increasing professional competence was conducted by Elena Zimina, whose work experience at the leading pharmaceutical enterprises is more than 20 years, 17 years of which - in the field of quality. The seminar covered the following issues:
legislative requirements for APIs, which are used in the manufacture of medicines (drugs);
the procedure for approval of API suppliers;
constant monitoring and evaluation of API suppliers;
documentation on the approval of API suppliers.
On the second day of the seminar, highly qualified employees of «InterChem» conducted an excursion for participants on the SFS production site and the site of the API production, as well as on the laboratory complex (visited the analytical laboratory of the quality control department, the research analytical laboratory, the research laboratory of physical and chemical methods ).
After the training, each participant received a certificate of completion of the seminar.
«InterChem» company, keeping pace with the times, always ready to share useful knowledge, skills and invaluable experience in the field of production of medicines, and is glad to welcome friends and colleagues on their own spaces.