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"InterChim" equipped production facilities with pneumatic

According to the agency "Interfax-Ukraine" director of production in "InterChem" company  Igor Stelmakh inform, that it will optimize the logistics of production, in particular, significantly accelerate the process of sampling and getting results of laboratory testing of products for the entire chain of the technological cycle.
Moreover, the new manufacturing facility "InterChem" introduces a single computer system of process control and production planning, which will completely abandon paper-based and switch to electronic logging and dossiers series formation.

"The introduction of electronic document management enable to involve a huge amount of additional control mechanisms. For example, after a series of product formed, the printer prints a barcode label, which later accompanies every stage of the technological chain that allows you to uniquely identify the product in all subsequent processing steps. All packaging materials for this series also have barcode -codes, which eliminates the use of, for example, inappropriate instructions for use "- said I.Stelmah.

To ensure fire safety in the new production complex "InterHim" refused internal windows in the "clean" fire walls: they replaced the system of "presentation" surveillance.

Also at the production will be set a unique for Ukraine equipment: granulators production Huttlin (Germany), caps filler IMA (Italy) and a tablet press Fette-FE 55 (Germany), today there are no analogues of such equipment in the country. 

"That news, which we buy, even has a serial number 24. That means that it was produced only 24 units of them," - said I.Stelmah.

According to the director of the production, the total investment in the project has grown substantially since its inception, largely due to changes in legislation. In 2012, the cost of the project was estimated at EUR30 million. At present this figure exceeded EUR40 million.

The launch of new production facilities is scheduled for December 2014. In general, the new production and laboratory complex "InterСhem" consists of four areas: laboratory and administrative and blocks, the site for the production of finished drugs and the department for the production of substances. Commissioning of the complex with total area of 15 thousand sq. m. will start from the division of production of the SFS and laboratories, as completed - the division for the production of substances.

As reported, in 2012, "InterChem" has begun construction of a new production complex design capacity of 800 million pills and 4 tons of substances per year.