
  Noobut® IC stimulates learning processes, improves memory, increases physical and mental performance, eliminates emotional stress, anxiety, fear, emotional lability, irritability, improves...

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A dietary supplement to the diet is used as an additional source of biotin and collagen to maintain the health of the skin, hair and nails. Biotin (vitamin B7 / vitamin H / coenzyme R) is a...

Rosuvastatin is a selective and competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme that determines the reaction rate and converts 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A into mevalonate, the...

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. Ascorbic acid has pronounced reducing properties. Ascorbic acid is involved in oxidation-reduction reactions, regulation...

Combined medicine with analgesic, spasmolytic and vasodilating effects, caused by the specific effects of its components. The drug also has antihypertensive and antipyretic effects.

"Amicitron® plus" are indicated for the treatment of cold and flu symptoms: headache, pain and body aches, sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, productive cough with difficulty spitting out. 1...

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Combination medicine with analgesic, spasmolytic and vasodilating effects, caused by the specific effects of its components. The medicine also has antihypertensive and antipyretic effects. Taken...

Rivastigmine is an inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase and carbamate-type butyrylcholinesterase, which promotes cholinergic neurotransmission, slowing down the degradation of acetylcholine, which is...

1 tablet contains mefenamic acid 250 mg or 500 mg. Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. Indications for taking...

1 tablet contains memantine hydrochloride 10 mg or 20 mg. In the manifestation of symptoms and the progression of neurodegenerative dementia, an important role is played by the violation of...

1 tablet contains clonidine hydrochloride 0,1 mg or 0,15 mg or 0,3 mg. Clonidine is an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist, an imidazoline receptor, an antihypertensive central agent that acts at the...

H2O is a smart, balanced electrolytic drink, which is recommended to reduce the risk of dehydration and promote the recovery of water and salts during physical and thermal stresses. The drink...

The complex of biologically active substances that are part of the leaf extract of Ginkgo biloba, helps to normalize the metabolism of cells in the cells, as well as the rheological properties of...

"Amicitron® plus without sugar" are indicated for the treatment of cold and flu symptoms: headache, pain and body aches, sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, productive cough with difficulty...

ДЕПРОЛГІН ІС це знеболювальний, протизапальний та жарознижувальний лікарський засіб, що належить до групи нестероїдних протизапальних засобів. Короткочасне симптоматичне лікування слабо або...

Діючою речовиною лікарського засобу є рослинний алкалоїд цитизин. Цитизин конкурентно пригнічує взаємодію нікотину з відповідними рецепторами та завдяки сильнішому зв’язуванню поступово...

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. Ascorbic acid has pronounced reducing properties. Ascorbic acid is involved in oxidation-reduction reactions, regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, affects the exchange of amino acids of the aromatic series, folic acid, the metabolism of thyroxine, catecholamines, histamine, steroid hormones, insulin, iron, necessary for blood coagulation, procollagen synthesis, collagen, intercellular substance, regeneration of connective and bone tissue. Ascorbic acid affects the synthesis of hemoglobin and the maturation of red blood cells, is involved in the regulation of the permeability of capillaries. Ascorbic acid helps to increase the body's resistance to infections and the negative influence of the external environment, improves appetite, helps to normalize sleep; has antioxidant and radioprotective properties; reduces hemorrhagic manifestations of radiation sickness and stimulates hemopoiesis. Deficiency of ascorbic acid in food leads to the development of insufficiency of ascorbic acid, since it is not synthesized in the body. Under certain circumstances, the body's need for ascorbic acid may increase, for example during a period of active growth, with physical or mental overexertion, with acute respiratory and other infectious diseases.

Trade name: Vitamin C
Pharmaceutical form: chewable tablets
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Simple preparations of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). ATX Code A11G A01.
Registration number: №UA /16001/01/01, №UA /16002/01/01
Date of registration / valid until: the validity of the registration certificate is not limited from 16.05.2022
Packing: 8 tablets in a blister, 3 or 7 blisters in a pack.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Legal category: over the counter

Full information about this drug you can find in this instruction